Understanding Sun Damage: Protecting Skin During Summertime – For Estheticians

During the summer months, it is easy to enjoy the extra doses of the sun’s warm embrace, but it’s essential to be mindful of the potential risks it poses to our skin. Increased sun exposure can lead to various skin issues, such as sunburn, hyperpigmentation, and premature aging. Fortunately, we are well-versed in tackling these issues … Read more

Signs of Sun Damage- What You Can Do To Prevent It

With summer on the wraps, let’s talk SUN DAMAGE. The sun’s impact on your skin reveals it’s aging effect over time. Yes, our skin does need the sun to initiate Vitamin D synthesis, but it’s essential to do it safely to avoid the harmful side effects of UV exposure. Primary Signs of Sun Damage: 1. Pigmentation: When the skin is bare to … Read more

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