More Skin Hydration Please!

Today’s Ingredient Spotlight is on Sodium PCA. Sodium PCA, is a gentle light-weight fantastic humectant, it pulls moisture from the air to the skin for added hydration. Sodium PCA is also an incredible emollient: it works to soothe & moisturize the skin. The technical term for Sodium PCA is sodium salt of pyroglutamic carboxylic acid, … Read more

HYA Your Skin to the Next Level

HYA! Is the sound you make when smashing down a wooden board to breakthrough to the next level. HYA, is also the first three letters of the ingredient, Hyaluronic Acid, also known as HA. With cooler months creeping upon us, skin dryness is on the horizon for many of us, especially if you have thinner skin. If you haven’t … Read more

Skin Hydration Tips to Keep Your Skin Quenched

What comes to your mind when you think about hydrated skin? Is it dewy skin, or thirsty skin or do you go as far as imagine a big round water molecule just splurging against your skin? Hydrated skin is ideally satisfied from both the inside and out. Tip #1  Drink at least 6-8 glasses of … Read more

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