Treating the Skin Holistically

Every aspect of the skin is a reflection of the body’s overall wellbeing. For successful long-term results in maintaining skin wellness, a holistic approach is essential. Lifestyle, a proper skincare regimen, a balanced nutritious diet, stress management, and physical activity all contribute to promoting healthy skin. The perfect synergy of maintaining youthful and clear skin … Read more

Does applying fresh fruits and vegetables to the skin work the same as applying skin care products?

Although applying fresh fruits and vegetables  directly to the skin may have certain immediate benefits and most importantly it typically feels really nice, alot depends on what is the actual fruit or vegetable that is being used. When we eat something our stomach has certain acids and enzymes that can break up and hydrolyze all … Read more

It’s Never Too Early to Begin Using Anti-Aging Products

When I was 12 years old, I remember standing over my dad’s laboratory equipment while he let me help him pour ingredients into separate beakers. On the counter stood the smallest scale I had ever seen. With the beaker on the scale, we would first zero out the scale and then weigh the ingredients in … Read more

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