Ingredient Digest: The Benefits of Licorice Root Extract for Your Skin ????

If you’ve been dealing with dark spots and other hyperpigmentation, but you want a holistic or more natural approach, your solution lies in the power of botanical skin lighteners. Licorice root in skin care is one of the notable powerhouse herbal extract ingredients with an impeccable skin brightening ability. Licorice root is known for its natural antimicrobial, … Read more

Vitamin C and Niacinamide: Each One is Great, But Together Even Better!

Brighter, smoother, firmer, and ultimately younger-looking skin are the highlights of the skin benefits possible when the powerhouse antioxidant ingredients, Vitamin C and Niacinamide, are used in unison or more efficiently, brought together in a single formula. In the past, it was believed that Vitamin C and Niacinamide should not be combined because each ingredient … Read more

Say Goodbye to Dark Spots- Guide to Improve Hyperpigmentation

Did you know that anything that irritates or inflames the skin can result in hyperpigmentation? To simplify, hyperpigmentation is unevenly distributed darkened patches of skin. Different types of traumas that occur on the skin, such as a scratch, mosquito bite, pimple, exposure to UV radiation, and even exposure to free radical damage trigger an inflammatory immune response which in … Read more

Not Another Dark Spot: Preventing and Treating Hyperpigmentation

As an esthetician, I have worked with many different skin types, and a common concern among my clients is skin pigmentation. My clients will often ask me what can be done to improve their pigmentation. I tell them that foremost, it is important to understand how it got there and then identify what kind of … Read more

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