Exfoliation for Your Skin Type- Everything You Need to Know

Exfoliation involves washing away dead skin cells that have accumulated on the top layer of your skin. After some time, these cells will naturally fall off but by using a scrub or chemical exfoliator that’s suited to your specific skin type, it’ll enhance the appearance of your skin.   In the latest warm, hot weather, … Read more

The Best Way To Brighten and Rejuvenate Your Skin After The Summer Month

During the Summer months your skin is exposed to a lot of different elements such as sun, chlorine, sand, salt water and wind all of which take their toll. This can weather our skin leaving it looking blotchy, dull and discolored. In order to protect itself from these harsh elements our skin reacts by increasing … Read more

Papaya Skin Benefits

Papaya is best known for its astounding digestive benefits, but what can it do for your skin? There are so many benefits to reap from this power-packed fruit abundant with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants phyto-enzymes. Papaya is an incredible ingredient in skin care which can help stimulate and improve skin texture and quality. Papaya is an … Read more

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