Seasonal Changes and Effects on Skin

It’s that time of the year again – spring is right around the corner, and with it comes some changes to your skin.  When spring comes along, you might feel the colder, dry air turning to warmer, moist air, giving your skin a more dewy glow. 

Since spring brings us longer days full of more sunshine, it’s important to ensure that you get the proper sunscreen protection for all of those fun outdoor activities that you will be engaging in with friends and family.  Taking care of your skin, both face and body, is important, as sun damage to the skin has been linked to melanoma and other skin cancers.

If you want a nice, lightweight sunscreen protection, a great choice is SOY DOCTOR® Ultra Light Moisture Screen SPF 30.  The lotion will not only keep your skin protected from the sun, but it will also keep your skin nourished and hydrated, so during those chilly days where the air turns cold and is a bit dryer, you will still be protected. The broad-spectrum SPF ingredients protect skin from both UVA and UVB harmful rays. The natural active ingredients are gentle and non-irritating to sensitive skin, and provide great antioxidant benefits. It offers a proactive approach to maintaining healthy younger-looking skin.

Since spring also tends to bring along allergies, which cause sneezing, watery and itchy eyes, and runny noses, you will want to take care of your skin to ensure that it doesn’t dry out and looks its best!  For itchy and watery eyes, you might want to apply a light cream that helps brighten your eyes and make them look big and beautiful without drawing attention to the side-effects caused by allergies.  The NATPURE® Bright Eye Gel-Cream, is an ideal option to counter the allergy effect around the eyes. It is rich with soothing herbal botanicals and a potent combination of ingredients that work to make your eyes look brighter and reduce the dark circles that come with seasonal allergies!

Remember: taking care of your skin is always important, especially as the seasons change.  If you care for your skin properly and use sunscreen rich with natural holistic ingredients, you can reduce the amount of damage, giving your skin a youthful and radiant glow!

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