Back To School Skin Rescue Tips and Must-Haves

Can you believe it, here you were just winding down after one crazy school year, and here we are again, on the cusp of the beginning of another new school year?

Now, I can tell you for sure, from my good old school days, back to school just happened to bring on new breakouts and a need for major acne damage control.

Perhaps it was from the lack of good sleeping habits, or not always the best food choices or maybe from the slew of ongoing paper deadlines and exams plus the high expectations, or maybe not always the most balanced social life, one thing’s for sure, my skin certainly needed some extra special care.

To make life easier for you, we’ve put together a back-to-school skin rescue must-haves top 10 skin specialist recommended list to help your skin get through the exciting…let’s be honest, stressful days ahead.

Top 10 Back-To-School Skin Rescue Must-Haves

1. Spot Treatment Serum – For the occasional breakout that need to be gone by next morning. (Emergency breakout treatment)

2. Sulfur Botanical Soap Wash – Its better than the $400 prescription sulfur wash & it treats inflammatory acne from your face down to your chest, to your back & even on the back of the legs or buttocks. (Step 1 in an evening regimen)

3. Instant Energizer Oxygen Masque – In a nutshell, this super fast-acting skin pick-me-up will help wake you & your skin up in the morning regardless of how went the night before. In one swift step, infuse oxygen, purge toxins, brighten, smooth & nourish the skin while feeling the sensation of 1000 butterfly kisses against your skin. (Step 1 in a morning regimen)

4. Teen Skin Nourisher – Keep skin moisturized & balanced while combating breakouts & skin dehydration with this gentle therapeutic formula. (Step 3 in morning & evening regimen)

5. Cucumber Mint Moisturizing Mist – Moisturize, cool, tone & balance your skin’s pH. You can even spritz throughout the day to freshen up your makeup. (Step 2 in morning & evening regimen, it also promotes better action from the rest of your products).

6. Deep Cleansing Camphor Masque – Help purge your skin of built-up congestion in the pores and soothe acne or breakout prone reddened skin.

7. Awakening Tired Eye 2 Step Solution – Your tired, you’ve spent hours staring into a screen, naturally your eyes will reveal this not so uncanny fatigue, but not with some help. Step 1, blue gel, Azulene Firming Eye Gel, lifts away the under eye bags, step 2, yellow gel, Bright Eye Gel Cream, will brighten any unwanted under eye darkness or circles.

8. The number one absolute best award winning skin device to help keep your skin clear, glowing and happy is the MYSKINBUDDY. It will enhance penetration and the results of all your skin care products, plus you have the blue light to keep breakouts under control, thermal setting to get a deeper clean when you need it, green light if your skin is feeling extra sensitive or inflamed and of course the red light to help promote collagen.

9. Botanicort Complex – For those painful inflamed stress related breakouts or bumps triggered by increased cortisol hormones that always come out to play with a vengeance when we experience stress in all its glory.

10. If you are looking for a complete home regimen system. Check out these 2 options depending on how severe is your acne. For oily skin with mild acne the Basic Acne Care System is recommended. For more severe and even hormone-related acne, the Advanced Stage & Hormone-Related Clinical Acne System is recommended.

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