Is There a Difference Between Male and Female Skin?

Is There a Difference Between Male and Female Skin? With Father’s Day rapidly approaching, there’s not better time to address the question you’ve been dying to know the answer to, is there a difference between male and female skin? Skin is skin yes, it is your largest protective and multi-functional organ, but there is a difference … Read more

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Actually it’s MELANOMA detection and prevention month to be more specific, the most dangerous skin cancer. Today, you hear all around you, sun exposure poses a huge threat, but why? You are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted from the beaming sun rays, all day everyday, even when indoors, that is of course unless you are locked … Read more

Juicy, delectable, nutritious, aromatic red berry goodness!

Did you know its national strawberry month? Strawberries are a delicious superfood packed with health promoting bio-actives including vitamins, minerals, phenolic acids and flavonoids, especially anthocyanin, a phytochemical responsible for the red color of the berries. Strawberries in Skin Care With an acidic pH ranging between 5 and 6, strawberries, naturally promote a healthy acid … Read more

All You Need To Know About Stretchmarks And What You Can Do About It

Did you know that over 80% of women have Stretch marks? The most common areas are on the stomach, waist, thighs, hips and on the breasts, but they can appear anywhere. What happens is there develops ruptures in the extracellular matrix which is made up of collagen & elastin fibers. This is especially a major … Read more

Holy Grail Ingredient for Sensitive or Redness Prone Skin

If you are wondering what is the best botanical ingredient to help with sensitive or inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea, LISTEN UP!   ARNICA MONTANA FLOWER ????   The delicate yellow flower, is considered part of the sunflower family & is native to mountainous areas of Europe where the climates are moderate.   Arnica is … Read more

Rosacea Skin 101: What You Can Do Naturally Through A Holistic Approach to Control the Symptoms

Frequent redness in the center of the face, focused-in on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin area, sensitivity, and irritated ruddy appearance are usual symptoms of rosacea. April is ROSACEA awareness month! Rosacea is an extremely complex skin disease that is continuously being researched by scientists, who still have not been able to indefinitely claim … Read more

Nature’s Caress – Healing & Beautifying With Aloe Vera

IN THE ABYSS OF DRY DESERT, where not much plant life can survive, resides an oasis with a thriving succulent cactus, the aloe vera plant. Through extreme hot dry climates, aloe vera perseveres, assimilates to its environment and develops impeccable self-sustaining characteristics. It is one of the most nutrient-rich plants, encompassing more than 200 different … Read more

Volcanic Ash Skin Miracle! Learn How Bentonite Clay Can Help Your Skin

Volcanic ash on your skin sounds pretty exotic, but what purpose does it actually serve? BENTONITE CLAY,  essentially is a naturally occurring silicate derived from aged volcanic ash. Traditionally, Bentonite was used for its healing powers.  This may have something to do with its pretty awesome ability to inhibit bacterial growth by encapsulating the bacteria, … Read more

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