Shiitake Mushrooms for Beauty

It may come as a surprise, but there is a secret ingredient that has the most unexpected benefits that you might not have realized: shiitake mushrooms!  It could seem a bit odd to put shiitake mushrooms in beauty products, but here’s an interesting tidbit: mushrooms can do a lot for your skin! Mushrooms for Health … Read more

Detoxifying Benefits of Clay and Mud

Mud and clay have some amazing benefits in the beauty and skincare world, and by incorporating the mud or clay into your beauty routine on a regular basis, you are able to reap the rewards that that come with it.  Along with skin clearing benefits, mud and clay have the ability to tighten the skin … Read more

Detoxifying Benefits of Clay and Mud

Mud and clay have some amazing benefits in the beauty and skincare world, and by incorporating the mud or clay into your beauty routine on a regular basis, you are able to reap the rewards that that come with it.  Along with skin clearing benefits, mud and clay have the ability to tighten the skin … Read more

Seasonal Changes and Effects on Skin

It’s that time of the year again – spring is right around the corner, and with it comes some changes to your skin.  When spring comes along, you might feel the colder, dry air turning to warmer, moist air, giving your skin a more dewy glow.  Since spring brings us longer days full of more … Read more

Thyme – A Natural Remedy

Skin is a barrier that serves as one of the body’s first lines of defense against harmful microorganisms. The synergy of several immunity-boosting factors acts as protection for the skin and body. Specialized immune cells within skin tissue are one type of defense, they help fight against invading organisms. Skin is also a host to … Read more

The Sun and Our Skin

Today, sun exposure has become an outstandingly increasing concern; the sun’s deceivingly joyous beaming rays are not so blissful at all. With rising skin cancer rates, according to the American Cancer Society, “more than 1 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer diagnosed yearly in the United States are considered to be sun-related.” Yes, it is … Read more

It’s Never Too Early to Begin Using Anti-Aging Products

When I was 12 years old, I remember standing over my dad’s laboratory equipment while he let me help him pour ingredients into separate beakers. On the counter stood the smallest scale I had ever seen. With the beaker on the scale, we would first zero out the scale and then weigh the ingredients in … Read more

Not Another Dark Spot: Preventing and Treating Hyperpigmentation

As an esthetician, I have worked with many different skin types, and a common concern among my clients is skin pigmentation. My clients will often ask me what can be done to improve their pigmentation. I tell them that foremost, it is important to understand how it got there and then identify what kind of … Read more

You Can Control Skin Aging!

         As people mature, their skin does too. What factors cause the skin to age? We can sum it up into intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors include those items that are out of our control, such as genetics. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do about our genetics, so let’s move … Read more

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