Help Your Skin Help Itself To Look Young!

Diosgenin is an incredible ingredient in skin care for maintaining healthy youthful skin.

It is a natural substance that once again taps into the gifts that Mother Nature bears, to allow for natural and holistic prevention of premature aging and age management skin care.

Diosgenin is a phyto-hormone derived from wild yam roots.

It has similar traits to progesterone, but of course with the advantage of being a natural ingredient, and not an actual hormone, i.e. no risk of unwanted side effects. 

Diosgenin like progesterone stimulates sebaceous glands to encourage greater oil production.

This is especially beneficial for dry skin. To add, women in any stage of menopause progressively experience skin dryness, diosgenin is the perfect remedy to help with this skin issue.

It works to improve skin appearance by promoting the skin’s natural self-moisturizing action, allowing for the skin to further sufficiently help itself.

Nature Pure Diosgenin Must-Haves

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