Back-to-School 5 Must-Haves!

Although back-to-school season may look a little different this year for many following the COVID-9 pandemic, what certainly does not change is that back-to-school means back to some level of school stress.

To add to this, we also now have something new, it’s known as maskne aka mask-acne. Acne caused by the sweating and friction behind wearing the protective mask which has been coined as maskne.

Your absolute best strategy to minimize or even prevent the culprits that can creep up on you during the school year like stress-related breakouts is by staying ahead of the game, and how do you do this, by equipping your skincare arsenal.

We’ve put together for you the absolute must-haves to keep your skin in tip-top shape whatever deadlines, projects or exams come your way.

1. Spot Treatment Serum – For the occasional breakout that need to be gone by next morning. (Emergency breakout treatment)

2. Sulfur Botanical Soap Wash – Its better than the $400 prescription sulfur wash & it treats inflammatory acne from your face down to your chest, to your back & even on the back of the legs or buttocks. (Step 1 in an evening regimen)

3. Instant Energizer Oxygen Masque – In a nutshell, this super fast-acting skin pick-me-up will help wake you & your skin up in the morning regardless of how went the night before. In one swift step, infuse oxygen, purge toxins, brighten, smooth & nourish the skin while feeling the sensation of 1000 butterfly kisses against your skin. (Step 1 in a morning regimen)

4. Teen Skin Nourisher – Keep skin moisturized & balanced while combating breakouts & skin dehydration with this gentle therapeutic formula. (Step 3 in morning & evening regimen)

5. Cucumber Mint Moisturizing Mist – Moisturize, cool, tone & balance your skin’s pH. You can even spritz throughout the day to freshen up your makeup. (Step 2 in morning & evening regimen, it also promotes better action from the rest of your products)

Stay tuned for our next post where we will focus more on maskne & the number 1 effective game-changing preventative, the Detoxifying Mud Masque.

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