How can we support you in a time when we have no control over the current situation? A Letter From Our CEO

To Our Friends, Customers, Partners, and Fans, 

On behalf of all of us at Nature Pure, our hearts are with all those impacted by COVID-19.

We pray for a speedy recovery for anyone struggling with the virus, and for good health and strength for our entire community and the rest of the world.

Although times may be turbulent and uncertain, this is an opportunity to come out stronger in the face of this adversity.

I ask you to please reflect on all there is to be grateful for and approach each day with a positive perspective and a plan of how you will weather through this storm, because we will, and as the saying goes, this too shall pass.

It is so important for my team and I to provide you with as much support as we can to help you navigate through this time and to continue to feel good and flourish.

We have included below a link to learn more about COVID-9 and how to keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

There have been questions about our hours and placing orders, and I just want to reassure you that we are operating on regular business hours fulfilling any orders coming in, in a timely manner. Most of our team is assisting remotely, but know we are here to help and support you.

At this time, we are also happy to offer drop shipping to our spa partners so your clients can get their necessary homecare straight to their doorsteps for a flat rate of $14.99.

(You would place your order as usual through your Pro Shop professional members account, and in checkout submit your client’s shipping information),


Click Here to Learn All You Need To Know About the Coronavirus


Stay positive, and please remember the variable of your outlook and attitude is 100% in your control.


With Love & Gratitude,


Victoria Tabak

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