When I was 12 years old, I remember standing over my dad’s laboratory equipment while he let me help him pour ingredients into separate beakers. On the counter stood the smallest scale I had ever seen. With the beaker on the scale, we would first zero out the scale and then weigh the ingredients in the beaker. I was fascinated by the whole procedure.
On one of those days, my dad gently tapped me on the forehead and said, “Don’t crinkle your forehead, you’ll get wrinkles.” Shortly after, I began using my first facial moisturizing cream. My passion for beauty and skin care was born.
Having this memory has positively impacted my life forever. From that day forward, I studied everything that dealt with the skin aging process, and I became more determined to resist it.
Over the years, I’ve become a strong advocate of initiating skin care routine early in life, not only because we feel better for aesthetic reasons, but also because skin is our body’s largest organ; just as we have to work to keep our internal organs healthy, we must do the same for our most outer organ, our skin.
Even the simplest moisturizer has benefits in treating skin. Although the strength and benefits of skin care products should advance as you age, it’s never too early to begin using anti-aging products.
After all, it’s easier to prevent than to reverse!